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It's been a long dreary winter here and frankly I've had enough of it. I'm ready for something different. I shouldn't complain, it's not like it was when I was young and winter meant snow and cold guaranteed. These days winter might be -10º one day and +50º the next. Last week we broke a record and hit 71º in February! Of course that can really mess with many things. Plants start buding and turtles come out only to be hit with freezing temps the next week. The Sandhill cranes have returned and I don't know what they'll eat until the real spring comes around?

Like the political climate these days, I don't know what's going to happen from one-day-to-the-next. Nothing surprises me any more.

Here are a few of my latest images. Please enjoy.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl.

Old Spring House

This abandoned spring house was once the source of Mininehaha Spring Water. It was once part of Paradise Springs Resort Hotel which was torn down in 1970. Near Eagle, WI.

Detail of Old Stone Building

Interesting Ice formations along the Bark River. 

Old Bottles

A sunny day in January illuminates these old bottles in my window.

A Cedar Waxwing.

A Cedar Waxwing.

Pair of Owls

A pair of owls at twilight.

Sandhill Crane

The Sandhill Cranes have returned about two weeks earlier than last year. I hope the weather doesn't turn too cold again!

Detail of Old Stone Building

Detail of an old stone building in Waukesha, Wi.

Robert Easey

Robert Easey
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